The Sunnah of Sayyidinna Rasulullah (Sallallahu 'alahi Wasallam'
"Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it and whatever the Messenger forbids you, abstain from it." {Al Qur'an - Hashr:7}
"He who is displeased with my sunnah has nothing to do with me." {Bukhari & Muslim}
"He who does not follow my sunnah is not from me (not one of my followers)." {Bukhari}
"All my people will enter paradise except those who refuse."On being asked who refused, he replied "Hewho obeys me will enter paradise and he who disobeys me has refused." {Bukhari}
"You must follow my sunnah and the sunnah of the rightly guided Caliphs. Hold fast to it and stick to it." {Mishkaat}
"The person who revives my sunnah in the time of corruption, will recieve the reward of 100 martyrs." {Baihaqi}
"He who loves my sunnah, he loves me and the one who loves me will be with me in paradise." {Tirmidhi}
"If Musa ('alaihi salam) were alive, he would follow my way (sunnah)." {Mishkaat}
"None of you believe, until I am dearer to him than his father, his children and all mankind."
{Bukhari & Muslim}
"Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it and whatever the Messenger forbids you, abstain from it." {Al Qur'an - Hashr:7}
"He who is displeased with my sunnah has nothing to do with me." {Bukhari & Muslim}
"He who does not follow my sunnah is not from me (not one of my followers)." {Bukhari}
"All my people will enter paradise except those who refuse."On being asked who refused, he replied "He who obeys me will enter paradise and he who disobeys me has refused." {Bukhari}
"You must follow my sunnah and the sunnah of the rightly guided Caliphs. Hold fast to it and stick to it." {Mishkaat}
"The person who revives my sunnah in the time of corruption, will recieve the reward of 100 martyrs." {Baihaqi}
"He who loves my sunnah, he loves me and the one who loves me will be with me in paradise."
"If Musa ('alaihi salam) were alive, he would follow my way (sunnah)." {Mishkaat}
"None of you believe, until I am dearer to him than his father, his children and all mankind."
{Bukhari & Muslim}